Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Free Iphone and more!!

I have created this blog to inform the masses of the great availability of Free Internet Stuff. I'm sure that when you come across those adds that pop up on your screen while surfing the web that say "Free Iphone" or "Free PS3" you wonder, as did I, if this really true. Could it be that if I click on this link, can I really receive a free iphone or ps3? Well I am here to tell everyone that yes, this true and a certain extent. It is true that if you follow the instructions you can receive free stuff ranging from a free iphone, to laptops, to even money deposited in your paypal account. Let me explain how this whole "Freebie" thing works!!

Once you have clicked on that link they will take to a site where you fill in all of your information. Asking for things such as name, address, paypal email address, etc. This is all so that they can send you whatever gift that you want from them. Its legit trust me. Next you will go to a page showing you tons of offers. This is why I say this is free to a certain extent. You have to complete enough offers to receive however many credits is required by the site. For example, if a site requires 1 credit, you must scroll through the offers and complete enough to fulfill 1 credits worth. The offers consist of netflix trials, diet pill trials, free gas card when you sign up for an internet mall, all sorts of things. Each of these offers will cost you anywhere from 1-10 dollars depending on how much credit they are worth. One can fulfill there credit requirement by doing four 25% or 1/4 offers for 2-5 dollars each. Once one has completed there credit requirement they must get referrals to do the same. By referral I mean someone you know, family member, friend, someone you meet online, to do the same. The "Free Iphone" may take 3 referrals to get. Once you have gotten those three referrals to complete their one credits worth of offers, you can then place your order and receive your free iphone in a matter of days.

Though it may seem a bit complicated it is definitely not. I have done this formula before, not excepting gifts but excepting the money deposits in my paypal account for up words of $125 per referral, which made me a very happy man!! I have compiled a list of some of the best sites to use. Check them out, there's nothing better than "Free Stuff"!!

This site will pay you $125 per referral and also has gifts that consist of the iphone and ipod touch.

This site pays $100 per referral and and has sony gifts such as, psp, laptops, ps3, etc.

This site also pays $100 per referral and has dell gifts, laptops, desktops, lcd tv's, etc.

Now those are just three of the sites I have personally placed orders for money from. The support team that works for this V-Bux company is great and will work with you if any questions come about. Free stuff is what it's all about with me, and for those who don't believe I have rewarded from these sites, here a little of me putting my Money where My Mouth Is:

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